Here you can see all cards for Green Mana.
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Here you can see all cards for Green Mana.
Last updated
| Cost's 1 Green Mana | Gain ONE Green Mana to you + You will draw ONE card from the deck | Useful card at start of the game or when you need to find some card |
| Cost's 1 Green Mana | You and your opponent gain ONE income of ONE color | Use this card, when opponent got troubles with Mana |
| Cost's 1 Green Mana | Gain ONE Mana of each color to you + You will draw ONE card from the deck | Useful card, same as STINKING MOVE, use theese cards with combos |
| Cost's 1 Green Mana | Deals ONE damage to opponent + You will draw ONE card from the deck | Same card as: STINKING MOVE & GOOD NEWS |
| Cost's 1 Green Mana | Gain TWO shields to you | Supporting card, helps every time |
| Cost's 2 Green Mana | Deals TWO damage to opponent (hits even if opponent got shield) | Ordinary attack card, expensive |
| Cost's 2 Green Mana | Deals TWO damage to opponent + You will draw ONE card from the deck | Good with small basic combos |
| Cost's 2 Green Mana | Gain ONE Mana of each color to you + You heal TWO hp | Effective supporting card with Mana gaining |
| Cost's 2 Green Mana | Deals TWO damage to opponent + Gain TWO shields to you | Good but, some time better skip, if you dont have enough Green Mana |
| Cost's 2 Green Mana | Gain ONE income of ONE color to you + Discard your hand (when u discard your hand, you gain 5 other cards and you turn ends ) | Super effective card, when u got bad cards, or you already dropd all card expect this one |
| Cost's 2 Green Mana | Gain ONE income of ONE color to you | Good Mana loot card |
| Cost's 3 Green Mana | You heal FIVE hp | Super supporting card for you |
| Cost's 3 Green Mana | Your opponent loses ONE Mana of each color + Gain ONE Mana of each color to you | Really effective card, but only one in game |
| Cost's 3 Green Mana | Deals THREE damage to opponent (hits even if opponent got shield) | Attack card for Green Mana, effective if opponent got low hp |
| Cost's 3 Green Mana | Gain ONE income of ONE color to you | Start to save up some Mana, for other turn, but dont forget, that your opponent can steal income |
| Cost's 3 Green Mana | Deals FIVE damage to opponent | Effective cheap attack card |
| Cost's 3 Green Mana | Deals TWO damage to opponent (hits even if opponent got shield) + You heal TWO hp | If you got a lot of Mana, you can make attack combo with this card |
| Cost's 3 Green Mana | Deals TWO damage to opponent + Deals TWO damage to opponent (hits even if opponent got shield) | Very good attack card, use when got enough mana for next turn |
| Cost's 4 Green Mana | Deals THREE damage to opponent + You heal FIVE hp | Supporting card with some damage |
| Cost's 4 Green Mana | You heal FIVE hp + You will draw ONE card from the deck | Same as STINKING MOVE and etc, but with heal |
| Cost's 4 Green Mana | Gain ONE income of ONE color to you + Gain ONE Mana of ONE color to you | Effective card if you need extra Mana on next turn |
| Cost's 4 Green Mana | Deals FIVE damage to opponent + You will draw ONE card from the deck | Normal damage with ONE card draw |
| Cost's 4 Green Mana | You swap your SHIELDS with your HP | ATTENTION, DON'T PLAY THAT CARD WHEN YOU GOT ZERO SHIELDS! |
| Cost's 5 Green Mana | Gain ONE Red income and ONE Blue income | With this card, you can farm Mana easly |
| Cost's 5 Green Mana | Gain TWO income of ONE color to you | Effective loot card |
| Cost's 5 Green Mana | Deals FIVE damage to opponent + Gain FIVE shields to you + You heal FIVE hp | Very useful card, to make some damage get some shields and heal some hp, ONE turn like in ONE card |
| Cost's 5 Green Mana | Deals FIVE damage to opponent + Your opponent throw away TWO cards from his hand | Very useful for combos |
| Cost's 5 Green Mana | Gain FIVE shields to you + Gain ONE income of ONE color to you | Effective support card |
| Cost's 6 Green Mana | Gain TWENTY shields to you | BIG PROTECTION FOR YOU |
| Cost's 6 Green Mana | If your opponent got ZERO shields, you deal FIVETEEN damage to opponent | With this crazy card, you can take easy win |
| Cost's 7 Green Mana | Gain ONE income of each color to you | Super farm card, better than LUCKY BOX |
| Cost's 7 Green Mana | Deals SEVEN damage to opponent + Gain SEVEN shields to you + You heal SEVEN hp | CARD WITH ATTACK AND SUPER SUPPORT |
| Cost's 9 Green Mana | You steal ONE income of each color from your opponent | With this card, can make super combos and big cool victories |