Here you can see all cards for Blue Mana.
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Here you can see all cards for Blue Mana.
Last updated
| Cost's 1 Blue Mana | Your opponent loses ONE Mana, of each color | Very useful at the start of the game |
| Cost's 1 Blue Mana | Your opponent throw awey ONE card from his hand | The card is suitable for depriving the opponent of the opportunity to play the card that he held from the start of the game |
| Cost's 1 Blue Mana | Deal ONE damage to opponent (if opponet got shield, attacks shield first) + Gain ONE shield to you | Ordinary card for playing the time in game |
| Cost's 1 Blue Mana | Gain THREE shields to you | Useful card, when you don't have any shield at the moment |
| Cost's 1 Blue Mana | You will draw TWO cards from the deck | Very useful card, when you have enough Mana, to draw some cards for good move |
| Cost's 2 Blue Mana | Deal TWO damage to opponent (if opponet got shield, attacks shield first) + Gain TWO shields to you | Ordinary card, same as VIPER but cost's more |
| Cost's 2 Blue Mana | You gain a copy of the last played card (no matter which side the card is on) | Very useful card, you can take copy whatever card you want, only for 2 Blue Mana |
| Cost's 2 Blue Mana | You will draw THREE cards from the deck | This card helps you, find out that card, what will need you for combinations |
| Cost's 2 Blue mana | Gain FIVE shield to you | Supporting card for you side |
| Cost's 2 Blue Mana | Gain ONE Blue income to you + Discard your hand (when u discard your hand, you gain 5 other cards and you turn ends ) | Super effective card for only TWO Blue Mana |
| Cost's 2 Blue Mana | Your opponent loses THREE shield + Gain THREE shields to you | Cheap supporting card |
| Cost's 2 Blue Mana | Gain THREE shields to you + Your opponent throw awey ONE card from his hand | You can save this card for support or to rush and break planes on your opponent |
| Cost's 2 Blue Mana | You and your opponent, gain FIVE shields | This card can be played in combinations with attack cards |
| Cost's 2 Blue Mana | Deal THREE damage to opponent (if opponet got shield, attacks shield first) + You will draw ONE card from the deck | Damage card with bonus to you |
| Cos't 3 Blue Mana | Your opponent loses TEN shields | Very useful card to countre attack opponent |
| Cos't 3 Blue Mana | Your opponent loses ALL Mana of ONE color | With this card you can break big plans on your opponent |
| Cost's 3 Blue Mana | Deals FIVE damage to opponent | Very big attack card, make sure to play straight it or save for later |
| Cost's 3 Blue Mana | You and your opponent, gain TEN shields | This card can save you an ONE move, by the way your opponent will gain shields too |
| Cost's 3 Blue Mana | You and your opponent, loses TEN shields | Don't forget about TALL WOODIE, maybe with theese cards you can make big combination |
| Cost's 3 Blue Mana | You and your opponent lose ALL shileds | You can start with this card, and after play the " Gain shield " card |
| Cost's 3 Blue Mana | Deal FIVE damage to opponent (hits even if opponent got shield) | Super attack card, if opponent got low HP but MUCH shields |
| Cost's 3 Blue Mana | Gain FIVE shields to you + Your opponent throw away ONE card from his hand | Effective support card or crazy quest for opponent |
| Cost's 4 Blue Mana | Deal THREE damage to opponent + Deal THREE damage to opponent (hits even if opponent got shield) | Effective card to end game or just make some good damage to opponent |
| Cost's 4 Blue Mana | You swap your shields with your opponent | Card support, if opponent got much shields, even better if you dont have shields when play tihs card |
| Cost's 4 Blue Mana | You swap ALL your Mana with your opponent | This card can turn game to other side, just wait for the moment |
| Cost's 4 Blue Mana | Your opponent loses FIVE shields + Gain FIVE shields to you | Effective, but some times better save FOUR Mana and skip card |
| Cost's 5 Blue Mana | Your opponent loses THREE Mana of each color | Effective card, to score off on your opponent |
| Cost's 5 Blue Mana | Your opponent loses ONE income of ONE color | With this card, if opponent got INCOME +1 of what ever color, you can make INCOME +0, and on the next turn, opponent won't get Mana of this color |
| Cost's 5 Blue Mana | You gain TWO copies of the last played card (no matter which side the card is on) | If you got enough Blue Mana, you can start with SPIRIT SHAMAN, after play some attack cards, and end turn with this card |
| Cost's 5 Blue Mana | Sets opponent shields to ZERO | With this card, you can make super effective turn, and start attacking opponent |
| Cost's 5 Blue Mana | You steal ALL Mana of ONE color from opponent | Make DECISION, what color to steal |
| Cost's 5 Blue Mana | Gain FIVE shields to you + Gain ONE income of ONE color to you | Effective card, but expensive |
| Cost's 7 Blue Mana | You set opponent shields to ZERO + Deal FIVE damage to opponent | Very effective and useful card |